Get in Touch with Us

Why join us ?

To build a coalition that meets the challenges posed by AI governance and to ensure its impact is wide-reaching, we are seeking a diverse range of partners. Whether you are a global or local actor, a government, a civil society group, an academic institution, a private sector company, or an international organization, there could be a place for you in the various partnership categories we offer. 

Contact us

Feel free to reach out with a quick message if you’d like to contribute to the coalition in any way or if you’re interested in learning more details about it. 

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Join Our AI Governance Initiative

Why join us ?
To build a coalition that meets the challenges posed by AI governance and to ensure its impact is wide-reaching, we are seeking a diverse range of partners. Whether you are a global or local actor, a government, a civil society group, an academic institution, a private sector company, or an international organization, there could be a place for you in the various partnership categories we offer. 

Contact us

Feel free to reach out with a quick message if you’d like to contribute to the coalition in any way or if you’re interested in learning more details about it. 

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