Global Dialogue on

Engaging 10 000+ people in 100+ countries to improve decision making on AI

Our project

Global coalition for an Inclusive AI Governance

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Join our AI Governance dialogue


AI governance ?

Our platform stands out for its commitment to accountability, inclusivity, and forward-thinking frameworks for AI governance, ensuring all voices are heard.

Global Perspective

Artificial intelligence is advancing rapidly and is having a significant impact on humanity. From global to local, citizens, governments, companies, learn to live with AI and wonder how to navigate this emerging revolution. In September the global community made a major step in addressing the challenge by adopting the Global Digital Compact. The text calls for a “global Dialogue on AI” to foster an inclusive development of the technology. By launching the Global Coalition on Inclusive AI, we want to respond to this call.  

How ?

An Ecosystem of deliberations

The approach we propose makes it possible to place the people and users at the center of the discussion through the deployment of hundreds of community deliberations.  
Deliberation goes beyond simply gathering opinions; it fosters a deeper exchange of ideas by encouraging participants to carefully consider evidence, weigh competing perspectives, and deliberate on potential solutions. Participants are given access to balanced information and support from experts, have time to engage with diverse viewpoints, and are supported by facilitators to ensure inclusive discussions. 
For the first cycle of work, we will engage a statistically representative sample of the worlds’ population: 10K+ citizens from 100+ countries will learn on AI, discuss trade offs and options, before giving their informed preferences on topics of relevance to stakeholders. Part of the topics will be global; part will be localized.  
For our track record of deploying similar processes, see here:

When ?


Our project

What questions will be

The questions posed to the citizens will be collaboratively developed within the coalition.
They will focus on topics such as: What do citizen sexpect from AI technologies? How do they envision a fair distribution of AI’s benefits? In which areas do they see the greatest potential, as well as the greatest risks?

Join Our AI Governance Initiative

Why join us ?
To build a coalition that meets the challenges posed by AI governance and to ensure its impact is wide-reaching, we are seeking a diverse range of partners. Whether you are a global or local actor, a government, a civil society group, an academic institution, a private sector company, or an international organization, there could be a place for you in the various partnership categories we offer. 

Contact us

Feel free to reach out with a quick message if you’d like to contribute to the coalition in any way or if you’re interested in learning more details about it. 

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